
PRA works to protect IP and physical property rights around the world. Below, is a running list of coalition letters PRA has authored or signed-on, as well as our annual advocacy on World IP Day.

April 26, 2024, Open Letter to WIPO Director General Daren Tang on World IP Day

April 26, 2023, Open Letter to WIPO Director General Daren Tang on World IP Day


April 26, 2022, Open Letter to WIPO Director General Daren Tang on World IP Day

March 14, 2022, Coalition Letter Supporting Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights in Brazil

March 8, 2022, International Coalition Letter in Opposition to a TRIPS Waiver

June 23, 2021, International Open Letter to the People of South Africa

April 26, 2021,  Open letter to WIPO Director General Francis Gurry on World IP Day


April 26, 2020,  Open letter to WIPO Director General Francis Gurry on World IP Day

July 5, 2019, PRA and Brazilian free market tanks publish open letter in Valor to the Bolsonaro government

In the Valor July 5, 2019

Print edition

Full letter in Portuguese

June 21, 2019, PRA and Chilean free market think tanks launch open letter to protect IP

April 26, 2019,  Open letter to WIPO Director General Francis Gurry on World IP Day

English Spanish


April 15, 2019 Letter to Deputy USTR Ambassador Gerrish regarding U.S. innovation industries in Japan-U.S. trade negotiations

March 13, 2019 PRA sends Intellectual Property Guidelines for the 116th Congress

January 24, 2019 Letter to U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar concerning the 144th Executive Board meeting of the World Health Organization

November 29, 2018 Letter to G20 Leaders to Protect Intellectual Property for a Fair, Sustainable, and Free World from International Group of Pro-Market Think Tanks

September 25, 2018 letter to South African ambassador Mninwa Mahlangu cautioning against land expropriation without compensation

May 4, 2018, Open letter to chief NAFTA negotiators from Property Rights Alliance and Americans for Tax Reform

April 26, 2018,  Open letter to WIPO Director General Francis Gurry on World IP Day

March 22, 2018,  Global Coalition Letter Against Plain Packaging to WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus


September 15, 2017, International Coalition letter to chief NAFTA negotiators

April 26, 2017, Open letter to WIPO Director General Francis Gurry on World IP Day


February 22, 2017, Intellectual Property Guidelines for the 115th Congress

May 31, 2016, International Coalition Letter against Plain Packaging (Spanish & Portuguese Version also available)


March 10, 2016, Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada  Mr. Justin Trudeau


July 20, 2015, International Guidelines on Intellectual Property Rights to Dr. Francis Gurry (WIPO)



February 2, 2015, Intellectual Property Guidelines for the 114th Congress